
Barkly Regional Council is administered under the Local Government Act.

The Barkly Regional Council is bound by the Local Government Act and regulations as well as other Northern Territory and Federal legislation.

As such compliance with a range of statutory obligations is essential. That is, the normal, day-to-day operations of the Council and internal systems and procedures must be adequate to efficiently record and manage these compliance matters.

To find information about the Local Government Act and other relevant legislation please follow this link to the Northern Territory Government website.

As outlined in the NT Local Government Act 2019,Council has the following roles

Principal role of a Council is to:

(a) Act as a representative, informed and responsible decision-maker in the interests of its constituency
(b) Develop a strong and cohesive social life for its residents and allocate resources in a fair, socially inclusive, and sustainable way 
(c) Provide and coordinate public facilities and services 
(d) Encourage and develop initiatives for improving quality of life 
(e) Represent the interests of its area to the wider community 
(f) Exercise and perform the powers and functions of local government assigned to the council under this Act and other Acts

Function of a Council is to:

(a) Plan for the future requirements of its area for local government services
(b) Provide services and facilities for the benefit of its area, its residents and visitors
(c) Make prudent financial decisions
(d) Manage the Employment of the CEO
(e) Provide for the interests and well-being of individuals and groups within the council area
(f) Carry out measures to protect its area from natural and other hazards and to mitigate the effects of such hazards
(g) Plan, Manage and develop council facilities and services in its area in a sustainable way
(h) Plan, Manage and develop all the resources available to the council for the benefit of its area
(i) Other functions assigned to the council under this act or another act
The functions of a council may (if the council chooses to perform them) include the following:
(a) Promote its area as a location for appropriate industries or commerce or as an attractive tourist destination
(b) Establish or support organizations and/or programs that benefit the council area

Objective of a Council is to:

(a) Provide open, responsive and accountable government at the local level
(b) Be responsive to the needs, interests and aspirations of individuals and groups within its area
(c) Cooperate with Territory and Federal governments in the delivery of services for the benefit of its area
(d) Seek to ensure a proper emphasis on environmentally sustainable development within its area and a proper balance between economic, social, environmental and cultural considerations
(e) Place a high value on the importance of service to the council's constituency
(f) Ensure council resources are used fairly, effectively and efficiently
(g) Provide services, facilities and programs that are appropriate to the needs of its area and to ensure equitable access to its services, facilities and programs
(h) Generally act at all times in the best interests of the community as a whole