FAQs and Answers

Everything you need to know about Local Authorities in the Barkly region.

1. What does a Local Authority do?

It advises Council on service delivery plans and gives specific advice on Council community and social projects that can improve the life of residents. Authorities also alert Council to new and emerging issues in the community.

2. Who can nominate for Barkly Regional Council's Local Authorities ?

People who are over 18 and living in the community.

3. How do I nominate?

Complete the nomination form and send into the CEO or Area Manager by the due date. Council will advise when nominations are open on the front of the website.

4. How many meetings do I need to attend?

Authority members are required to attend a minimum of seven (7) meetings a year with meetings being held in the community or for Tennant Creek LA at the Council Chambers, 41 Peko Road, Tennant Creek.

5. Are meeting fees paid for my time?

Yes, a meeting fee is paid for each meeting you attend.

6. How can I find out more information?

Call Council on 8962 0000 and ask for the Governance Officer. Download information on how to nominate for Local Authority and the nomination form in headings below.

7. How do I find out when or where a Local Authority Meeting is on

Go to the Menu on the Council website. Scroll down to Local Authority Meetings and click on the headline. When that page opens up each community is on the left-hand side. Click on on each community to find out when the next LA meeting is on. https://www.barkly.nt.gov.au/communities

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